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Olympichos († before 201 BC) was a dynast of Caria (on the southwest coast of today's Turkey ). He is named by Polybius as one of the princes who left the city of Rhodes after the terrible earthquake of 227/26 BC. With money and food.

Olympichos was the son of a father of the same name. His wife was named Nikaia. His residence may have been in Alinda . Details of his government are mainly passed down through various inscriptions. Accordingly, he ruled after 240 BC. First as satrap of the Seleucid Empire in Caria. During the rebellion of Antiochus Hierax and the successful offensive of King Attalus I of Pergamon around 230 BC. However, he managed to establish an independent rule. Around 227 BC The king Antigonus III forced him . Doson of Macedonia to recognize his sovereignty, but he maintained a largely independent position that resembled that of a king in everything, except for the title, which in his case was "the king's strategist" ( στρατηγὸς τοῦ βασιλέως ). He maintained his position as governor of Caria even after the change of the throne under the new King Philip V. After 220 BC. This position is attested in several inscriptions in the city of Mylasa . In it it goes u. a. a dispute with the Rhodians over the attacks by one of his sub-commanders named Podilos. Despite the serious cause, both the Rhodians and King Philip pay him the respect they deserve. When hostilities broke out between Rhodes and Macedonia in 201 BC. His rule is no longer mentioned.


  • Michel Austin: The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation. 2nd augmented edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 2006, ISBN 0-521-82860-0 , No. 179, pp. 326-328.
  • Richard A. Billows: Kings and Colonists. Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism (= Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition. 22). Brill, Leiden et al. 1994, ISBN 90-04-10177-2 , pp. 94-96.
  • Werner Huss : Investigations into the foreign policy of Ptolemy IV (= Munich contributions to papyrus research and ancient legal history. 69). Beck, Munich, 1976, ISBN 3-406-00669-8 , pp. 197-199, (at the same time: Munich, University, habilitation paper, 1974/1975).
  • Thomas Lenschau : Olympichos 1 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XVIII, 1, Stuttgart 1939, Col. 185 f.
  • Hans-Ulrich Wiemer : War, trade and piracy. Studies on the history of the Hellenistic Rhodes (= Klio . Supplements. NF 6). Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-05-003751-2 , pp. 186–190.

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Individual evidence

  1. Polybios , V 90.1.
  2. Billows: Kings and Colonists. 1994, p. 96, note 46.