Ona Adomavičienė

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Ona Adomavičienė (* 1951 in Lithuania ) is a Lithuanian lawyer , notary and former president of the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries .


Ona Adomavičienė completed the Diploma in Law at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University and worked from 1975 as a state notary ( Amtsnotarin ). She is currently a notary at the 9th Vilnius Notary Office . From April 13, 2002 to March 8, 2005 she was head of the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries . Her predecessor was notary public Vidutė Zubavičiūtė and her successor was Daiva Lukaševičiūtė-Binkulienė .


  • Amendment of the notarial law for the benefit of the people // Notariato įstatymo pakeitimai - žmonių labui. Justitia 2003 m. No. 1-2 (43-44)
  • Lietuvos notarų rūmai paminėjo veiklos dešimtmetį 1992–2002. Justitia 2002 m. No. 5-6 (41-42)


  1. notarų Rumu narių susirinkimas
  2. ^ Ona Adomavičienė