Oral History Archives at the Free University of Berlin

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The Free University of Berlin offers access to three important oral history archives with life stories of survivors of National Socialism . The archives were elaborately prepared by employees of the FU. The video interviews were transcribed and made technically user-friendly.

Contents of the archives

The archives include the Visual History Archive , the online archive “Forced Labor 1939–1945” and the oral history collection Refugee Voices . At the Center for Digital Systems at the Free University of Berlin, these audiovisually recorded interviews are documented, made available and made available as memory-cultural and scientific sources for education and research, especially for the humanities and social sciences (e-humanities).

The USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive . The Institute for Visual History and Education is the world's largest oral history archive on National Socialism. It documents almost 52,000 video interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust .

In addition, the project “Witnesses to the Shoah. Video interviews in school education ”at the Free University of Berlin includes didactic work with biographical video interviews. As part of the project, 900 German-language and 50 other language video interviews from the collection of the USC Shoah Foundation were prepared for school lessons.

The online archive “Forced Labor 1939–1945” preserves memories of over twelve million people who did forced labor for the National Socialist German Reich . Almost 600 former forced laborers from 26 countries tell their life stories in detailed audio and video interviews.

The Oral History Collection Refugee Voices of the Association of Jewish Refugees comprises 150 videographed interviews with Jewish survivors of National Socialism. The focus of the collection is on interviews with refugees and survivors who live in Great Britain today, including many participants in the “ Kindertransporte ”.

Individual evidence

  1. Preparation of the interviews

Web links