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Type: unmanned reconnaissance aircraft
Design country:



Center for Special Technology ( Russian ООО "Специальный технологический центр" , Spezialny technologitscheski Zentr), St. Peterburg



Orlan-10, InterAeroCom 2010

Orlan-10 ( Russian Орлан-10 , German Adler-10) is a remote-controlled reconnaissance drone (or UAV from English Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ), which is used by the armed forces of the Russian Federation .

The drone is produced by the Center for Special Technologies in Saint Petersburg , which is said to have delivered around 100 of these drones to the Russian armed forces in 2013. In 2014, around 200 more drones were delivered to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Technical specifications

The Orlan-10 is a small reconnaissance and surveillance drone. The design represents a classic shoulder- wing propeller aircraft with a front engine and a normal tail unit . The wings are not swept with rounded wing tips. It is launched from a catapult and lands autonomously on a parachute housed in the back of the torso. The impact is cushioned by an airbag. The wings of the drone are dismantled for transport. All components, including the catapult, are housed in a transport box.

Technical specifications
length 1.80 m
span 3.10 m
Takeoff mass 14 kg (18 kg)
payload 5 kg
Top speed 150 km / h
Service speed 90 km / h
Range (autonomous) 1000 km
Range (controlled) 120 km
Service ceiling 16,500 ft (5,029 m) (6000 m)
Reconnaissance sensors Photo and video camera, thermal imaging device
drive Combustion engine 1 DWS
power 1 hp
Operating temperatures -30– + 40 °
Flight duration up to 16 h
begin catapult
landing Parachute system


Orlan-10 have been used in the Arctic since May 1, 2015 to monitor ship routes and support search and rescue operations.

Possible missions

The Ukrainian State Security Service stated several times that Orlan-10 drones were shot down over their own territory during the 2014 crisis in Ukraine .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Gareth Jennings: Russia to deploy Orlan-10 TUAVs to the Arctic in May. (No longer available online.) In: IHS Jane's Defense Weekly. Jane's Information Group , April 23, 2015; archived from the original on August 14, 2015 ; accessed on October 17, 2015 .
  2. Simon Ostrovsky: "Ukraine Says it Shot Down a Russian Spy Drone" , vice.com from May 30, 2014, viewed on June 2, 2014
  3. "Орланов" обнаруживают чаще, чем производят. In: vpk.name. Retrieved September 9, 2015 (Russian).
  4. a b Orlan 10. In: en.ruvsa.com. Retrieved October 17, 2015 .
  5. Moscow says all drones in Syria operate as planned as Turkey downs unidentified UAV. In: RT News. Russia Today, October 16, 2015, accessed on October 17, 2015 (English, with video of take-off and landing).
  6. "У районі Авдіївки збито безпілотник російських військових - See more at: https://ssu.gov.ua/ua/news/1/category/21/view/695#.Oi28j . April 8th 2016

Web links

Commons : Orlan-10  - Collection of images, videos and audio files