Orohydrographic map

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Orohydrographic maps are special editions of topographic maps. They only contain the water network (mostly in blue) and contour lines (in brown), but no other topographical elements such as roads, buildings or vegetation. The card is used for scientific purposes.

In Germany, the topographic maps on a scale of 1: 50,000, 1: 200,000 and 1: 500,000 are also published in an orohydrographic edition.

The term orohydrography is made up of the Greek words ὂρος (mountain), ὓδωρ (water) and γραφω (write). So it stands for mountain and watercourse description .


Individual evidence

  1. G. Hake, D. Grünreich, L. Meng: Kartographie. de Gruyter, 2002