Orthof am Graben

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Orthof in the Topographia Ducatus Stiria by Vischer

The Orthof am Graben , also called Rindschadhof , is a former Graz noble farm . Its history goes back to the first half of the 15th century. It was converted into a villa in the 19th century and is now owned by Caritas Austria .


The building is located in the third district of Graz, Geidorf , at Grabenstrasse 39.


The Orthof was probably originally a simple farm or a serviceable piece of land owned by the von Graben . Presumably the estate came to the Perner through an inheritance or marriage . The Perner probably already held the farm as a fief in the first half of the 15th century. Between 1449 and 1452, Bernhard Rindschad from the von Rindscheid family (noble family) bought the farm from the Pernern and took the surname “von Graben”. According to a validity estimate from 1542, the court seemed to have come down at that time. On November 30, 1561, Margareta Rindschad gave the property to her husband Maximilian Ruepp . He had a courtyard on the Graben converted into an apartment, but it should not have been the Orthof.

From 1554 the farm was again owned by the Rindschad family, who also lived in it from time to time. After the death of her first husband, Hans Christof Rindschad, Susanne Alberin married a man from the House of Liechtenstein and brought the property into the marriage. Her son Andree sold the property to Ferdinand Freiherr von Maschwander on June 14, 1603 . Around that time, the name "Rindschadhof" became common for the property. Ferdinand's widow Maximiliana married Johann Maximilian Freiherr von Herberstein shortly after his death . In the years 1636 and 1637 there was frequent change of ownership between Maximiliana, her children from her first marriage and her second husband. Around that time the property seems to have been divided. So on June 12, 1640 were Rindschadsche Valid , so all the land, to the kit man Caspar von Khranathofen sold during the actual court in 1654 to Euphrosine Scheulastika Freiin of Wilfersdorf went. She was a sister of Johann Gabriel Freiherr von Maschwander. The so-called Kienbergerhof also belonged to the farm at that time .

In 1658 the Rindschadhof went to Johann Andree Purckstaller . Johann's heirs sold the property to the rent office adjutant Johann Ernst von Ortenhofen . The guardian of his children sold the "Freyhof Ortenhofen" on February 27, 1685 to Maria Regina Herrin von Gera . Several changes of ownership followed before Caroline Freiin von Schwitzen acquired the Freihof in 1782 and reunited it with the former Rindschadschen VAL. In 1800 Josef Stahel and in 1803 Franz Josef Wagner appear as owners. In 1806 the farm was auctioned off and acquired by Franz Anton Wisiak . From April 30th to December 30th, 1811 the court belonged to Louis Bonaparte , a brother of Napoleon Bonaparte who is also known in Austria as Ludwig Count of St. Leu, before he returned it to Wisiak. After 1854 the courtyard was converted into a villa. Other owners followed before the property came to the Paulusverein in 1900. In 1939 it came into the possession of the NS-Wohlfahrt and became state property after 1945. On April 5, 1957, the farm was handed over to Caritas Austria .


The original courtyard was converted into a villa in the years after 1851. In the basement of today's building you can still find remains of the old masonry.


  • Robert Baravalle: Castles and palaces of Styria . Leykam, Graz 1995, ISBN 3-7011-7323-0 , p. 29–30 (first edition: 1961).

Coordinates: 47 ° 5 ′ 1.9 ″  N , 15 ° 26 ′ 12.4 ″  E