Otter (mythology)

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Otter (also Otur or Otr) is the son of the magician and farmer Hreidmar in Germanic mythology , as well as the brother of Reginn and Fafnir . He was killed with a stone throw by the god Loki when he was about to eat a salmon in the form of an otter. Loki, Odin and Hönir , who were on a journey together, were happy about the double catch and pulled the hide from the otter (Otur). Shortly afterwards the three Assir came to the house of Hreidmar, to whom they proudly presented their catch. The farmer recognized his son's skin in the otter hide and imprisoned the sir. Hreidmar demanded reparation ( wergeld ) from the gods . You should fill the peeled skin of the otter with gold and also cover it with gold on the outside. Loki obtained the gold from the dwarf Andvari , as well as his ring Andvarinaut , whereupon Andvari, when Loki took it, placed a curse on the whole treasure. The gold was enough to fill and cover the otter skin - except for a whisker. Loki also had to give the ring to cover his hair and so the curse passed on to Hreidmar and his clan.

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