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intimate ( Scheinanglizismus , of Engl. in time = the time , sometimes inPlay of English. in play = in games ) is a term from the RPG - genre , featuring a description, a statement or an action within the game world takes place. In contrast to this, something that relates to reality is called outtime (pseudo-Anglicism, from English out time = outside of time , analogous to outplay from English out of play = outside of playing ). This terminology helps certain comments or comments not to the players to bind as it might for example be uncommon during a combat situation after the chip bag to demand, or you Although the character wants to offend a player, but not the player himself.

The distinction between intimate and outtime is important for "good" role-playing game, as you intimate -Geschehnisse even intimate must take seriously and outtime -Geschehnisse normally should not affect play behavior.

In live role-playing games , a player or game master who is on the move outtime , i.e. cannot be perceived by the characters who are intimate (he is not intimate ), usually with arms crossed in front of his chest.

With the role-playing system Paranoia , according to the rules, there is explicitly no outtime , which means that the question of the chip bag can definitely influence the course of the game.

Outtime is sometimes also referred to as ooc (English acronym : out of character = outside of the character , as much as of the role ). In fanfictions, OOC simply means that the character doesn't behave the way he does in the series / film / book / etc. usually does. He is just "out of character".