Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine

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Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine
Category: research Institute
Carrier: University of Oxford
Consist: since 1995
Facility location: Oxford
Subjects: Human medicine
Employee: 25th
Homepage: www.cebm.net

A group of experts in Oxford ( UK ) called the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine ( OCEBM , German  , Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine ' ) published in September 2000 guidelines for levels of recommendation regarding statements about prognosis , diagnosis , treatment benefits, treatment damages and screening . It wasn't just about therapy and prevention , but also about diagnostic tests, prognosis markers and treatment errors . The original CEBM levels were first published for Evidence-Based On Call in order to facilitate the identification of the benefits and risks of treatment and diagnosis and to clarify their results.

CEBM Evidence Levels

The CEBM levels of evidence were classified as follows:

In 2011, an international team redesigned the Oxford CEBM grades and updated them in 2014 to make them easier to understand and to take into account the latest developments in evidence ranking systems. The recommendation grades are used by patients, clinicians and also to develop clinical guidelines.

See also


  • Robert G Marx, Sean M Wilson, Marc F Swiontkowski: Updating the Assignment of Levels of Evidence. In: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume. 97, 2014, p. 1, doi : 10.2106 / JBJS.N.01112 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine - Levels of Evidence (March 2009) . Retrieved April 20, 2019.
  2. Table of the CEBM Levels of Evidence 2.1 , 2014, OECBM. Retrieved April 20, 2019.
  3. ^ PB Burns, RJ Rohrich, KC Chung: The levels of evidence and their role in evidence-based medicine. In: Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Volume 128, number 1, July 2011, pp. 305-310, doi : 10.1097 / PRS.0b013e318219c171 , PMID 21701348 , PMC 3124652 (free full text).