Claudio Michelotto

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Claudio Michelotto

Claudio Michelotto (born October 31, 1942 in Trento ) is a former Italian cyclist .

Athletic career

He was a professional from 1966 to 1973. In 1967 he took part in the Tour de France and finished in 61st place in the final classification. The following year he decided the Tirreno – Adriatico race ahead of Italo Zilioli , Rudi Altig and Franco Bitossi (this was his first victory as a professional driver) and also won the Coppa Agostoni .

In 1969 he won the Giro di Sardegna , the Trofeo Laigueglia (ahead of Eddy Merckx and Franco Bitossi ), Milan – Turin , won a stage in the Giro d'Italia and also the mountain classification on this tour ahead of Italo Zilioli and Felice Gimondi . In total, he wore the leader's pink jersey at the Giro (in which he competed six times) for ten days.

In 1971 he was able to celebrate another victory at the Giro di Campania ahead of Patrick Sercu and Marino Basso . In 1972 he won another stage in the Tour de Suisse and came second again in the Coppa Agostoni. In his professional career he was able to win nine races.

Individual evidence

  1. Luciano Boccaccini, Giovanni Tarello: Annuario Storico Del Ciclismo Italiano . Publialfa Edizion, Milan 1994, p. 247 (Italian).

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