P80 (engine)

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The P80 or P80 FW is a solid - rocket engine and the first stage of the rocket Vega of the European Space Agency ESA. It is one of the largest solid rocket rockets in the world made of one piece.


The development of the P80 began in 2005 as part of a joint project between the European Space Agency, the Center national d'études spatiales and the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana . The Italian engine and turbine manufacturer Avio became the prime contractor. At the end of 2006, the first engine tests took place in the Center Spatial Guyanais , the maiden flight on February 13, 2012.

Technical specifications

P80 FW
height 11.71 m / 12.50 m with step adapter / 10.50 m motor housing with step
diameter 3.00 m
Takeoff weight 95,916 kg
Empty weight 7,408 kg
Fuel weight 88,365 kg
thrust 2,100 kN average / 2,296 kN starting thrust
2,502 kN maximum at sea level / 2,980 kN maximum in vacuum
Burn time 114.3 s
fuel HTPB 1912
Specific impulse 2,745 m / s
Total impulse 240,740 kNs
Combustion chamber pressure 9,500 kPa
jet Expansion
ratio 16 base diameter 0.47 m
nozzle diameter 1.87 m
weight 2,249 kg

Further development

A performance-enhanced version P120 is being developed for the Vega C , Vega E as well as for the boosters of the Ariane 6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ESA: Vega Launcher. Accessed on May 11, 2015 (English): "It is one of the largest, most powerful one-piece solid-propellant boosters ever built."
  2. ^ Avio : Vega Satellite Launcher. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 23, 2015 ; Retrieved November 5, 2015 .
  3. ESA's new Vega launcher scores success on maiden flight. Retrieved November 5, 2015 .
  4. ESA : Press Kit - Vega qualification flight VV01. (PDF) Retrieved November 5, 2015 .
  5. ^ The Vega: Europe's youngest launcher by Bernd Leitenberger , p. 30.