PISA International Plus

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In the PISA-I-Plus is a " PISA longitudinal study to develop mathematical and scientific literacy in the course of a school year ." It was presented to the public on November 17, 2006.


Change in competencies in 10th grade students within one year
subject deteriorated nothing learned improved
Mathematical competence 8th % 32% 60%
Scientific competence 19% 37% 44%
(PISA 2003 competency development summary pp. 6-8)

The development between a test in spring in the 9th grade (2003) and a follow-up test with the same students in the following spring in the 10th grade (2004) in the subjects of mathematics and natural sciences was evaluated. It was found that in mathematics only 60% of the students learned something new within one year, in natural science subjects even only 44%, while almost one in five had forgotten scientific knowledge. This result, rated as rather poor, was attributed to a lack of didactic skills.

In addition, this again confirmed an educational disadvantage for students with low social origins . The importance of home support was emphasized. The influence on whether there was the possibility of using a computer at home could not be proven.

Criticism of the study

Secondary schools were not included in the study. This was criticized, among other things, by the GEW , since the secondary schools in many federal states have 10th grade and so the exclusion cannot be justified.


Both the GEW and the German Association of Philologists spoke out in favor of employing more teachers.

Web links


  1. GEW: PISA-I-Plus: nothing learned Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.gew.de