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As Pangender (pan + gender) are referred to individuals who themselves in their social gender identity identify with all gender identities and all these combine in itself.


The term pangender is used by the LGBT movement and recognized as a sub-category of the term transgender .

The term Pangender is still largely unknown in German-speaking countries and is mostly only used by people from the LGBT movement.


Pangenders have their own “Pride flag” in the LGBT movement. This is based on the agender flag and is very bright and consists of different superimposed colors, which result in white in the middle. These colors are supposed to represent the many genders. The colors above and below the white center are in pastel shades of pink, red and yellow.

Individual evidence

  1. Xenia: Pangender. In: Queer Lexicon. June 8, 2017, accessed on August 21, 2019 (German).
  2. pangender [non-binary wiki]. Retrieved August 25, 2019 .