Panki from Panania

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Panki aus Pankanien is a German radio play series for children that was distributed under the former record label CBS (now Columbia Records ) in the 1980s and early 1990s.

The character Panki was invented by Doris Schreier, who used it for bedtime stories for her children. In this way, stories were collected, which she and her husband Fred Schreier developed into an overall idea in order to market them in the form of radio plays.

There is no evidence as to whether Panki was also figured out by Doris and Fred Schreier. It is known, however, that André Roche made many illustrations for Panki. In 2006 Doris and Fred Schreier bought back the license and the radio plays are being published again; the distribution is taken over by the specially founded Tinus Verlag.



Panki is a small alien being with brown skin, blond hair with three colored strands and two antennae, who is dressed in a blue pajama- like spacesuit with stars, white shoes and white gloves. It comes from the planet pankanien (a made-up word derived from punk and chestnut ). Panki prefers to eat chestnuts, probably the staple food of the Pankanians.

Panki's voice sounds highly distorted and gives the impression of a child. Besides, he always speaks in rhymes and is very helpful. Now and then he seems a little clueless. Out of the will to do good, an accident happens every now and then.

Tinus, Ulli and Raffi

Three human children Raffi Radish, Tinus octopus and Ulli Ungeschick, whom Panki met after his crash to earth and with whom he became friends. If there are problems, they rub against a chestnut that Panki gave them and Panki rushes to their aid. Conversely, the three turn out to be very helpful. They experience exciting adventures together.

Panko and Pankinchen

They are Panki's siblings who participated in some episodes.

Radio play episodes

  1. UFOs, crooks and chestnuts
  2. Gold pirates at Castletown Castle
  3. The laughing machine
  4. The giants Rumpelda
  5. Larifari circus
  6. The Black Pirate's Treasure
  7. Roses bloom from thunder cans
  8. The Roman chariot race
  9. Adventure in Phantasialand
  10. Poachers in Africa
  11. The eye of the sphinx
  12. The petrified dolls
  13. Kodi the crocodile
  14. The bicycle thieves
  15. Crazy Mr. Öchsli
  16. Panki is sick
  17. Panki at school
  18. It's Panki's birthday
  19. Adventure in cryptonia
  20. Alarm at the forest lake
  21. Santa Claus in slumber land

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