Paola Cavalieri

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Paola Cavalieri (2017)

Paola Cavalieri (* 1950 ) is an Italian philosopher. She is the initiator of the Great Ape Project , which calls for basic rights for primates .


Together with the Australian philosopher Peter Singer , Cavalieri published the reader Human Rights for the Great Apes: The Great Ape Project . The authors denounce man's view of seeing himself as the crown of creation .

Cavalieri also gained fame through her book Diefrage nach dem Tier, first published in German in 2002 . In it, she deals with the relationship between humans and animals and issues relating to animal ethics , examining the close genetic relationship between humans and animals.




  1. Cavalieri / Singer (1996): Human Rights for the Great Apes: The Great Ape Project.
  2. Cavalieri (2002): The question of the animal: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the human-animal relationship.