Parey's Book of Mushrooms

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Parey's book of mushrooms is an identification book for mushrooms . It was published in 1987 by Marcel Bon under the title The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-western Europe . The German translation was written by Till R. Lohmeyer and published in the following year, 1988, by Parey-Verlag . The work describes over 1500 European mushroom species and varieties, with over 1200 shown in color drawings. In 2005, 2012 and 2016 new editions appeared in Franckh-Kosmos- Verlag,


The book contains an introduction a determining part in which the groups and genres , as well as some types according to their characteristics being broken are. The main part in which the species are described is illustrated with color drawings. These come from John Wilkinson and Denys Ovenden as well as from Bon himself. On the edge of the page there are also spore drawings of every species, most of which were also made by the author. The weight of the species described is placed on the distribution area of ​​Central and Western Europe.
