Partido Revolucionario Febrerista

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The Partido Revolucionario Febrerista (PRF) is a democratic-socialist Paraguayan political party. It has its origins in the revolution of February 17, 1936 - hence its name.

PRF 2.jpg


In February 1936, the military uprising called the Febrerist Revolution brought Rafael Franco to power. The movement was named Union Nacional Revolucionario . The Febreristas were driven into exile by Colonel Ramón Paredes' coup on August 13, 1937.

In 1945 the movement was reorganized under the name Concentration Revolucinaria Febrerista .

In 1946 the Febreristas formed a coalition with the Colorados, which supported President Higinio Morínigo . In early 1947 they left the coalition again. In the Paraguayan civil war that followed, the Febreristas fought alongside the Liberals and Communists against the Colorados .

On December 11, 1951, the party called Partido Revolucionario Febrerista was founded at a congress in Buenos Aires , the leaders of the left wing known as the Bloque de la Defensa de la Revolución were excluded.

The radical wing Vanguardia Febrerista and the Renovador wing of the Partido Liberal founded the guerrilla group Movimiento Catorce de Mayo (Movement of May 14) on May 4, 1959 , which led an armed struggle against the Stroessner regime until December 1960 .

In 1964 the Febreristas accepted an offer of amnesty by Stroessner, most of their leaders returned to Paraguay and participated in the country's political life as a loyal opposition. They managed to get some seats in Congress.

After the adoption of the constitutional amendment of 1977, which lifted the limitation of the presidency to two terms, the Febrerists left the Congress and joined the Acuerdo Nacional .

The Partido Revolucionario Febrerista has been a member of the Socialist International since 1980 .

Current situation

In 2007 they joined the Alianza Patriótica para el Cambio and supported Fernando Lugo , who was elected President of Paraguay in 2008.

The Partido Revolucionario Febrerista has 11,730 members (as of October 2007).

Individual evidence

  1. Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral


  • Paul H. Lewis: The Politics of Exile - Paraguay's Febrerista Party , University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1965
  • R. Andrew Nickson: Historical Dictionary of Paraguay , The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen & London, 1993