Partido Socialista Unificado de México

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The Unified Socialist Party of Mexico (PSUM) was the strong left politically oriented and the ideologies of the Euro communism retentive United Socialist Party of Mexico that existed from 1981 to 1,988.

The PSUM emerged in November 1981 from the following parties of the strongly left-wing political wing, which had already formed the electoral alliance " Coalición de Izquierda " ( German : coalition of the left ) in 1977 :

  • the Mexican Communist Party - PCM,
  • the Movimiento de Acción y Unidad Socialista - MAUS (Eng .: Movement of Socialist Activity and Association ), a splinter group of the PCM active in the Mexican labor movement ,
  • the Partido del Pueblo Mexicano - PPM (German: Party of the Mexican People ) and
  • the Movimiento de Acción Popular - MAP (German: People's Action Movement ).

Party chairman was Arnoldo Martínez Verdugo .

After the merger with the Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores (PMT) in 1987, the Partido Mexicano Socialista (PMS) emerged from the PSUM in 1988 .
