Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores

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The Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores (PMT) was the left - wing Mexican labor party that was officially registered in 1984. The PMT merged with the Partido Socialista Unificado de México (PSUM) in 1987 and merged with it in 1988 in the Partido Mexicano Socialista (PMS).

The origins of the party can be traced back to the 1968 student movements, particularly the Tlatelolco massacre . At that time, well-known intellectuals and socialists such as the later PMT main character Heberto Castillo as well as Carlos Fuentes , Octavio Paz and Luis Villoro formed the Comité Nacional de Auscultación y Coordinación , from which the PMT Workers' Party emerged in 1975. After official approval as a political party in the mid-1980s, the PMT took part in government elections in 1985.