Past & Present

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Past & Present

description british historical magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Social history
language English
publishing company Oxford University Press
Frequency of publication four times a year
Web link

Past & Present is a British historical journal that has played a leading role in the development of social history .

The founder of the magazine is John Morris , who had the idea for the new magazine in 1949/1950. He initially pursued the concept of a Marxist -oriented journal, his first suggested title was Bulletin of Marxist Historical Studies . Morris spoke to friends and colleagues, especially Marxist historians from the Communist Party Historians Group , who, however, wanted to participate in a broader journal , especially in the first high phase of the Cold War . This gave rise to the idea of ​​a journal that would unite Marxist and non-Marxist historians who did not share the conservative attitudes and methods of British historical studies of the time and wanted to break new ground. Despite the personal connections to the Communist Party , the magazine remained independent of this and its official group of historians. After some preliminary work, the first edition was published in February 1952.

According to Morris's conception, the magazine should cover all historical topics as much as possible, and the individual articles should also be understandable for laypeople in the respective field. In the early years, this was ensured by the fact that all employees read all the articles; later, each article should at least be read by a non-specialist historian in order to avoid incomprehensible technical jargon. Well-known historians such as Geoffrey Barraclough , RR Betts , Arnold Hugh Martin Jones , David Beers Quinn and Eric Hobsbawm as well as the prehistorian Gordon Childe were among the first employees .

The magazine is published four times a year by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Past and Present Society .


  • Christopher Hill, Rodney Hilton, Eric Hobsbawm : Past and Present. Origins and Early Years . In: Past and Present , No. 100, August 1983, pp. 3-14.
  • Jacques Le Goff : Past and Present. Later history . In: Past and Present , No. 100, August 1983, pp. 14-28.

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  1. On Morris' role cf. also Christopher Hill, John Morris , in: Past & Present 75, 1977, pp. 3-4.