Patient registry

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A patient register is used to record patients and their disease progression in a collection.

The term patient register usually refers to a database system for recording patients and their treatment data, which can be assigned to a specific type of disease or patient group. Different systems are used to collect the data. In the past, static lists were often used, but systems that offer additional functions are increasingly being used.


With the help of a patient register, not only disease characteristics are documented, but also specific treatment methods (both in systematics or medication etc.), as well as the response of the patient to the selected treatment is recorded. A patient register is usually filled and used by a group of doctors. In this way, the individual physician can use the register to refer to the disease progression of different patients with different treatment methods and to incorporate them into the selection of his treatment. Furthermore, patient registries are used to support clinical studies . Either these deliver data that are subsequently used for evaluations or they are already available in the Evaluations tab.

Modern systems work regardless of location and thus enable cross-regional collaboration between doctors. This is a considerable advantage when choosing the respective therapy method, especially for rare diseases.


In order to comply with data protection regulations, patients are recorded anonymously in many patient registers. In this way, the individual patient and his or her privacy are protected and the data can still be used to support and further develop the treatment.

See also

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