Patriotic front

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A right-wing extremist group existed in Switzerland under the name Patriotic Front .


It was founded in 1988 by Marcel Strebel and the Zugers Peter Kluser and Otto Rölli. They wanted to usher in the so-called "Front Spring 1989". She became known through the activities of Marcel Strebel. This caused a national sensation when he spat at a colored mannequin in the television show Club . Attacks on asylum seekers' homes - one of them in Steinhausen in the canton of Zug - were also blamed on the organization. In similar incidents, the perpetrators were referred to as Strebel supporters , which the head of the Patriotic Front denied. The exact time of the dissolution of the organization is not known.

Individual evidence

  1. Former head of the "Patriotic Front" killed , on, accessed on December 11, 2015.
  2. Review of the first ten years of the penal norm against racial discrimination. Ed .: (PDF file; 454 kB)