Paulus Almanus

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Paulus Almanus ( Alemannus ) was a German Augustinian priest and watchmaker from Augsburg. He traveled to Rome during the Holy Year of 1475 and worked there as a clockmaker for cardinals and bishops in the vicinity of the papal court of Pope Sixtus IV . A manuscript he received, which is now in the Augsburg State Library , contains the description and images of 30 clocks from this period. In the drawings, which are among the earliest surviving construction drawings of clocks, there are very unusual innovations for the time, such as the dials divided into minutes or a first representation of the so-called spindle escapement .


  • John H. Leopold: The Almanus manuscript. State and City Library Augsburg, Codex in 2 ° No. 209, Rome circa 1475 - circa 1485. London 1971.
  • Jan H. Leopold: Alamanus re-examined. In: Antiquarian Horology. Volume 27, 2002, pp. 665-672.
  • Jan H. Leopold: Orologi italiani nel manoscritto Almanus. In: Giuseppe Brusa (arr.): La misura del tempo. L'antico splendore dell'orologeria italiena dal XV al XVIII secolo. Exhibition catalog Castello del Buonconsiglio, Trient 2005, pp. 118–127.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz von Osterhausen, Callwey's Uhrenlexikon , Callwey, Munich 1999, ISBN 3766713531