
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pels or van Pels is the family name of the following people:

  • Auguste van Pels (1900–1945), German-Dutch victim of the Holocaust
  • Donald A. Pels (1928–2014), American entrepreneur and philanthropist
  • Friedrich Pels Leusden (also Pels-Leusden; 1866–1944), German surgeon, university professor and local politician
  • Hans Pels-Leusden (1908–1993), German painter
  • Henry Pels (1865–1931), German entrepreneur, founder of the "Berlin-Erfurt machine factory Henry Pels & Co. AG"
  • Hermann van Pels (1898–1944), Dutch victim of National Socialism
  • Peter van Pels , (1926-1945), Victims of National Socialism in the Diary of Anne Frank Peter Van Daan called

Pels stands for:

See also: