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Pentuloses , also ketopentoses or pentoketoses, is the name for ketoses with an unbranched chain of five carbon atoms ( pentoses ). Ribulose and xylulose , for example, are counted among the pentuloses .

The name pentulose is the current name according to the IUPAC / IUBMB rule 2-Carb-10.3.

Individual evidence

  1. IUPAC / IUBMB, Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, Pure Appl. Chem. , (1996) 68, pp. 1919-2008.
  2. Beyer, H .; Walter, W .; Francke, W., Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 24th ed .; S. Hirzel Verlag: Stuttgart 2004, pp. 451-481.