Perro Andaluz

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Perro Andaluz is a Uruguayan record label .

The independent record label was founded in 1989 by Ángel Atienza. The name of the label has its origins in the Spanish title of the film Un chien andalou by Luis Buñuel . In December 1989, a cassette from "Ensamble Acústico" was the first release by Perro Andaluz . By 1995, numerous other editions were made on cassette as a sound carrier from the genres jazz, classical, rock, blues, metal, pop, folklore, tango and other musical styles. From that year on there was a change to audio CD as the publication frequency. In addition to mostly less well-known musicians, artists such as Hugo Fattoruso , Leo Maslíah or Luis Di Matteo also published on Perro Andaluz . In the two decades since the label was founded, around 300 records have been released.

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