persona non grata
As persona non grata (plural personae non grata , also persona non grata , latin for unwanted person ; Italian persona non gradita ) refers to the status of members of the diplomatic service or any other person whose residence is no longer tolerated by the host government by notification becomes. The opposite is the persona grata or the persona gratissima .
Use in diplomacy
Diplomats have diplomatic immunity in the host country , which protects them from criminal prosecution. In the event of a criminal offense, the host country can only expel the diplomat from the country by declaring him a persona non grata . In this case, the diplomats have to leave the host country within a certain period. A particularly serious reason for “diplomatic expulsion” is (alleged) espionage. In addition, states sometimes react to the expulsion of their own diplomats by expelling foreign diplomats, even without proving actual violations. During the Cold War in the Soviet Union and in the West, for example, attention was regularly paid to a balance of measures: for example, if a cultural attaché and two embassy employees were expelled here, just as many diplomats were expelled from the country in a comparable position. In 2007, in connection with the Litvinenko murder , there was mutual expulsion of Russian and British diplomats.
The declaration on persona non grata also indirectly affects the families of the diplomats who have been expelled, as their residence permits generally depend on their diplomatic status.
Web links
- Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations - Art. 9
- Vienna Convention on Consular Relations - Art. 23 Declaration on Persona non grata
Individual evidence
- ^ Government press conference on April 13th. The Federal Government, April 13, 2011, archived from the original on June 4, 2012 ; accessed on May 18, 2016 .