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The recruitment describes a portion of the personnel consulting and means the service to provide adequate personnel to companies and potential employers. It serves as an interface between the specialist departments in companies, the applicants and the job market. While recruiting is a service from the employer's point of view , the word job placement describes the same service from the employee's point of view . Personnel can be used for direct, long-term as well as fixed-term contracts and project positions. A distinction is made between direct personnel placement and placement under the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG).

Direct placement and temporary employment

Direct placement of employees

In direct placement, workers, specialists and executives are placed directly with the employer for a commission from the service provider. The mediated person receives an employment contract directly from the employer.

Temporary employment

In the case of temporary employment, suitable applicants are initially employed by the service provider and deployed to other target companies for a certain period of time. This type of recruitment / leasing is strictly regulated by law.

Who can use the recruitment service

Anyone looking for staff can use this service. The providers differ greatly and offer different specializations. From the placement of trainees, specialists and executives to the direct search (also executive search ) for board members and managing directors of all industries, personnel consultancies and recruitment agencies can be engaged. A classic " make or buy decision" leads to the use of such a service .

The procedure

Personnel placement begins with the qualification and analysis of the imminent staffing requirements , and vacancies in the company that arise suddenly and that are planned as well as foreseeable vacancies based on experience can be covered. Some recruitment agencies also specialize in exceptional demanding jobs. After the needs analysis has been carried out, possible target groups are defined (technicians, salespeople, specialist knowledge, etc.), addressed and selected. The approach takes place both indirectly via advertisements in the web and print media and directly via direct approach at events or on the Internet. After the applicant has been pre-selected, the recruitment agency accompanies the application process up to the conclusion of the contract and often beyond.

  1. Qualification of the need and definition of the target group
  2. Addressing potential candidates and comparing skills with the requirement profile
  3. Pre-selection of applicants and organization of the application process
  4. (Possible assessment center )
  5. Support of the HR department , specialist department and applicants up to the conclusion of the contract

The respective proportion of service during and after the application process is agreed individually depending on requirements and varies greatly. While individual points differ from case to case, recruiters roughly follow the above process.

Personnel placement in Germany

According to the German online portal for statistics "Statista", there were 1,970 personnel consultancy companies in Germany at the end of 2018, all of which offer personnel placement services and employ a total of around 7,600 personnel consultants. This information includes both direct recruiters and agents who work in accordance with the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG). The market of the recruitment industry, apart from the results of successful placements, had a turnover of 2.36 billion euros in 2018 and has thus been growing steadily since 2000.

In addition to the placement of employees within Germany, the placement of foreign specialists and managers also plays a major role. There is a special need for so-called shortage occupations on the labor market for various reasons. Professions and positions of all income brackets can be found here, which is why qualified foreign skilled workers and workers are in demand to import know-how to Germany or to fill vacancies in professions with a strong shortage of domestic applicants. A market for service providers has established itself here.

In Germany, the Federal Employment Agency, and in it the job center of the respective localities, serves as the most important state institution both in recruiting for SMEs and corporate structures and in recruiting for job seekers willing to work.

advantages and disadvantages

The recruitment agency serves as an interface and should cover both the interests of employees and employers. As a third party, the placement service provider is responsible for checking information for correctness and for processing information transparently in both directions. In this case, there are only advantages for all parties involved, since both the applicant and the departments and decision-makers involved always have a contact person who represents your interests by their side.

Poaching: "Poaching employees" means actively recruiting through attractive contract offers from specialists and managers who are currently employed. Since this type is mainly used by financially strong corporations due to the associated costs, this harms the German medium-sized companies, from which the employees are often poached. The resulting vicious circle can be clearly felt in the fields of information technology and engineering in 2019 .

Old structures: Workers and skilled workers are still being exploited by unsuitable working conditions and / or terms of employment in temporary workers. However, the trend here is declining - not least due to legal requirements and more intensive enforcement of the same.


  • Armin Trost, Talent Relationship Management: Competitive Recruiting Strategies in Times of Talent Shortage, 2014 ( ISBN 978-3-642-54557-3 )
  • Nicole Truchseß and Markus Brandl, Successful in recruiting: from recruiter to competent consultant in HR issues, ( ISBN 978-3-658-17543-6 )
  • Diane Arthur, Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New Employees, ( ISBN 0814408613 )
  • Ian Taylor, A Practical Guide to Assessment Centers and Selection Methods: Measuring Competency for Recruitment and Development, ( ISBN 0749450541 )

Individual evidence

  1. AÜG - unofficial table of contents. Retrieved November 1, 2019 .
  2. startups grow with people: how to pick partners, recruit the top talent and build a company culture - Google search. Retrieved November 1, 2019 .
  3. Cyrus Achouri: Recruiting and Placement: Methods and instruments of personnel selection and placement . Springer-Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8349-8719-8 ( [accessed November 1, 2019]).
  4. Personnel consulting - industry turnover until 2018. Accessed November 1, 2019 .
  5. Home - Federal Employment Agency. Retrieved November 1, 2019 .
  1. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Law on Temporary Employment
  2. Ozan Dagdeviren : Startups Grow with People: How to Pick Partners, Recruit the Top Talent and Build a Company Culture, 2018, ISBN 9781982913373
  3. Cyrus Achouri: Recruiting and Placement: Methods and instruments for personnel selection and placement . Springer-Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8349-8719-8 ( [accessed November 1, 2019]).
  4. Statista, German Institute for Statistics, Personnel Consulting - Revenue of the industry until 2018
  5. Federal Employment Agency, as of 2019

See also