Pertinax (Byzantium)

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Pertinax († 187 ) was Bishop of Byzantion in the years 169–187. There is a legendary account of him by Dorotheus of Tire . According to this, it is said to have been a Roman officer who was stationed in Thrace when he fell ill and heard the Christians in the area tell of the miracles of their god. He then turned to the Bishop of Constantinople, Alypius , who converted him, whereupon Pertinax was completely cured. Alypius then appointed him his presbyter and after Alypius' death he took over his bishopric.

It is also recorded that Pertinax built a bishop's house in the Sykeon district (today's Galata ) from his own fortune , around which a Christian settlement was built.

The list of patriarchs records 17 years of office for Pertinax, but it cannot be ruled out that this includes the first years as presbyter under Alypius. His successor was Olympianus .

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predecessor Office successor
Alypius Bishop of Byzantium