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PestschanLag , built in 1949, which belonged to the large complex of the Gulag camps, was a special camp of the MWD for political prisoners with up to almost 40,000 prisoners. These special camps with a tightened regime were special facilities in the general Gulag system in the Soviet Union created in the post-war period by the Interior Ministry MWD (formerly NKVD) .


PestschanLag, Russian Песчанлаг, was originally called Ossoblag No. 8 , d. H. Special camp No. 8 (from особый лагерь № 8, особлаг № 8). The abbreviation PestschanLag is derived from песчаный ла́герь, d. H. Sand storage (this name can also be found occasionally in German-language literature and German-language sources). These designations for the originally numbered special bearings were only assigned later and mostly randomly, as a kind of code, mostly without any reference to reality. A later name was then sand ITL (Песчаный ИТЛ).


The PestschanLag camp was founded on September 5, 1949 on the basis of Decree No. 00219 of the MWD Ministry of the Interior of February 21, 1948 in place of the previous camp No. 99 of the MWD for prisoners of war . It was located in a larger labor camp complex near the city of Karaganda in what was then the Kazakh SSR . On November 17, 1950, some of the camp departments of the special camp No. 9 LugLag and the open-cast coal mining department of the special camp No. 4 StepLag located in Ekibastus were transferred to the PestschanLag camp; on January 4, 1951, camp points 1 and 2 of the department for corrective labor colonies (OITK) of the MWD administration for the Karaganda area were subordinated to the camp; On April 24, 1952, the special camp No. 11 DalLag was finally set up on the basis of camp section No. 6 of PestschanLag (Ekibastus) . PestschanLag was closed on August 24, 1955 when the warehouse subdivision and production were transferred to the Karaganda ITL .

The following were alternately responsible for the camp:

  • GULAG (Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies) of the MWD (September 1949 to March 1953)
  • GTU (Head Office of Prisons) of the MWD (March 1953 to February 1954)
  • GULAG of the MWD (February 1954 to August 1955)


The prisoners were mainly used in the coal mine and quarry area. In detail (among others):

  • Working in coal mining in Karaganda, etc. a. in Ekibastus, in the state enterprise KaragandaSchachtoStroi , in the combine KaragandaUgol ( ITL of the Karaganda coal )
  • Works in the wood processing plant and brickworks of the LeninUgol and KirovUgol trusts and others
  • Work in the Molotov Ugol quarry and Beloginishchensky plant of the KaragandaStroiMaterialy Trust
  • Work on the construction of the refining plant of shaft No. 105 and the construction of the Ekibastus coal mine and the construction of a meat combine
  • Use in the construction of social and cultural buildings and in residential construction

Occupant Numbers

The number of prisoners was documented with the following figures:

February 1, 1950 6,682
December 1, 1950 9,517
January 1, 1951 21,170
January 1, 1952 39,612
January 1, 1953 29,905
January 1, 1954 23,626
January 1, 1955 10,822

Known inmates

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Vladimír Bystrov: Únosy československých občanů do Sovětského Svazu v letech 1945-1955 (kidnapping of Czechoslovak citizens in the Soviet Union 1945-1955). Edition Svědectví , ed. from Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu ÚDV, an institution of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, Prague 2003, 343 pages, ISBN 80-7312-027-5 , online at: / ... , section Pesčanlag, page 266.
  2. a b c d e f Д. Шкапов: ПЕСЧАНЫЙ ЛАГЕРЬ . In: MB Smirnow (ed.): Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР (The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923–1960). Zwenja, 1998. Online on the Мемориал portal ( / ... ; German version on the MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V .: Dmitri Schkapow: Sandlager , In: The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923-1960 , edited by Michail Smirnow, online at: / ...
  3. Приказ МВД СССР № 00219 “Об организации особых лагерей МВД” (Law No. 00219 on the Organization of Special Storage Centers of the MWD). Online at: / ...

See also

Web links

Outline map of the camps in the Kazakh SSR. In: Portal from Memorial / Germany. Retrieved on December 13, 2016 (recorded as "sand camp" near the city of Karaganda).

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