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LugLag , built in 1949, which belonged to the large complex of Gulag camps, was a special camp of the MWD for political prisoners with almost 13,000 prisoners. These special camps with a tightened regime were special facilities in the general Gulag system in the Soviet Union created in the post-war period by the Interior Ministry MWD (formerly NKVD) .


LugLag, Russian Луглаг, was originally called Ossoblag No. 9 , d. H. Special camp No. 9 (from особый лагерь № 9, особлаг № 9). The abbreviation LugLag is derived from Луговой ла́герь, i.e. H. Meadow camp . These designations for the originally numbered special bearings were only assigned later and mostly randomly, as a kind of code, mostly without any reference to reality.


The LugLag camp was founded on October 10, 1949 based on Decree No. 00219 of the Ministry of Interior MWD of February 21, 1948. It was first located in the village of Dolinka , from November 17, 1950 in the Spassk settlement , both in the Karaganda region in what was then the Kazakh SSR . The relocation is related to an extensive restructuring: on November 17, 1950, existing camp departments from LugLag were handed over to PestschanLag , at the same time LugLag took over a warehouse department in Spassk, some of which included Katorga prisoners, from the StepLag camp . From this time on, LugLag served as a collecting tank for incapable prisoners and invalids from most of the camps in the Karaganda area. In January 1951, the Karaganda-ITL added a camp department with incapacitated Katorga convicts. Luglag was closed on September 1, 1951, and the inventory went to Pestschanlag as the Spassk warehouse department.


The prisoners were used to extract and manufacture building materials such as bricks , air bricks , lime and plaster , manufacture of ceramic products (tiles, tiles, dishes), quarrying stone and mineral dyes, and also for work in agriculture and housing construction as well as wood processing .

Occupant Numbers

The number of prisoners was documented with the following figures:

February 1, 1950 1,100
January 1, 1951 10,072
September 1, 1951 12,717

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Д. Шкапов: ЛУГОВОЙ ЛАГЕРЬ . In: MB Smirnow (ed.): Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР (The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923–1960). Zwenja, 1998. Online on the Мемориал portal ( / ... ; German version on the MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V .: Dmitri Schkapow : WIESENLAGER , In: The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923-1960 , edited by Michail Smirnow, online at: / ...
  2. Приказ МВД СССР № 00219 “Об организации особых лагерей МВД” (Law No. 00219 on the Organization of Special Storage Centers of the MWD). Online at: / ...

See also

Web links

Outline map of the camps in the Kazakh SSR. In: Portal from Memorial / Germany. Retrieved December 13, 2016 (recorded as "meadow camp" not far from the city of Karaganda).

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