Petra Bentkämper

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Petra Bentkämper (born June 20, 1961 in Bielefeld ) is a German industrial clerk and has been President of the German Rural Women’s Association (dlv) since 2019 .

Live and act

Petra Bentkämper was born in Bielefeld in 1961 and grew up in Bielefeld. Until 1979 she attended the commercial college. She then trained as an industrial clerk and worked as a commercial employee at the textile company Strunkmann & Meister GmbH & Co. Bielefeld. Petra Bentkämper and her husband have been running a full-time farm with dairy farming since 1991. There she was in charge of the rural experience branch until 2010 and further qualified in the areas of tour guides and agricultural office specialist. From 2011 to 2015 she ran a primary school kitchen. Petra Bentkämper is married and has four children.


Petra Bentkämper has been an active rural woman since 1992. In 2003 Petra Bentkämper became the local chairwoman of the Bielefeld-Senne rural women’s association. From 2006 to 2018 Petra Bentkämper was district chairwoman of the rural women’s association in Bielefeld, and from 2010 to 2014 she was an assessor in the presidium of the Westphalian-Lippian rural women’s association (WLLV). Petra Bentkämper has been Vice President of the WLLV Presidium since 2014.

Petra Bentkämper has been active at the level of the German Rural Women's Association since 2011. As a member of the technical committee for association development and marketing, she worked on the organization of the rural women's association. In 2015 she was elected as an assessor to the executive committee of the dlv, where she was head of the agricultural policy and environment committee. Petra Bentkämper has been president of the dlv since July 2019.

In addition to volunteering with the rural women's Petra Bentkämper member of the Board of Directors of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank Frankfurt, member of the Joint Committee of the Chamber of Agriculture NRW, member of the board QS quality and safety GmbH, a member of the Agricultural Council of the R & V Versicherung Wiesbaden, member of the Educational Institute of German agriculture e . V., on the advisory board of the EU project Newbie at the Bund der Deutschen Landjugend , as well as on the Advisory Council on Rural Development of the BMEL and in the DLG General Committee and DLG Committee on Rural Areas Development