Petra Wontorra

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Petra Wontorra (born April 8, 1959 ) is a German local politician ( SPD ) and has been the state commissioner for people with disabilities in Lower Saxony since 2015.


After graduating from high school, Petra Wontorra completed an apprenticeship as an advertising clerk and then worked as an authorized signatory in a paper processing company. She studied economics for a few semesters at the Fernuniversität Hagen and was the management assistant responsible for administration and project support in the Bremen-Oslebshausen community center. Petra Wontorra has two grown children and is widowed.

Party and politics

Petra Wontorra was a member of the Bremen-Gröpelingen district parliament from 2011 to 2015 . On February 12, 2017, she was a member of the Federal Assembly for the election of the German Federal President in 2017 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  3.äger-der-bundesammlung-an-wahl-des-neuen-bundespraesident-teil --150988.html