Petrushka (children's book)

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Petrushka is in the children's book publisher Berlin published children's book . The first edition appeared in 1977. The Russian-language original was published by the Sovetskaya Rossija publishing house in Moscow in 1973. The book is aimed at readers aged 7 and over.


Petrushka lives in Puppet Land, on the shores of the blue sea. He's made of cloth, and if he's a rascal, his heart is in the right place. So it doesn’t take long before he incurs the wrath of the evil puppet czar Formallein. Petrushka has to flee all over the puppet country, with courage and cunning he repeatedly hits his pursuers for a bargain. It's not just about him - he has to save little Alyonka and free his old father Trofim from prison. Together with the matryoshka, the blacksmith Ignat and many other dolls, Pietruschka takes on the fight against the cruel Formallein.

Other characters are the judge Halbe-Halbe, the general Standstigen, the memory of the tsar, the tsar's messenger Sausewind and the landowner piggy bank.


This fabulous children's book, popular in the GDR, heroizes the struggle of the initially obedient and powerless subjects against autocratic authorities. The storm on the palace, symbolizing the peaceful revolution, leads to the overthrow of the mighty and the end of all wars.