Physics Frontiers Prize

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The Physics Frontiers Prize is a 2012 and 2013 physics prize awarded by the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation (now: Breakthrough Prize Foundation ). It was endowed with $ 300,000. The winners are also automatically candidates for the next five years for the $ 3 million (for each of the winners), which is an even higher annual Fundamental Physics Prize . The prizes were awarded for fundamental developments in physics, could be awarded several times to the same person and the number of prize winners could be as large as desired. The winners were invited to give a public lecture.

The Russian oligarch Juri Milner is behind the foundation . Steven Weinberg (2012) is also on the council , but does not participate in the selection of the winners.

In addition, the foundation awards the New Horizons in Physics Prize for young scientists, which is endowed with 100,000 dollars.

Laureate of the Physics Frontiers Prize

Individual evidence

  1. 2013 Fundamental Physics Prize Awarded to Alexander Polyakov.; Retrieved December 4, 2014.
  2. Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation announces nominees for $ 3 million prize.; Retrieved December 4, 2014.