Physio Austria, Federal Association of Physiotherapists in Austria

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Physio Austria, the Federal Association of Physiotherapists in Austria , is the professional interest group for physiotherapists in Austria. He acts as a contact for politics and other interest groups.

organization structure

Physio Austria is organized as a non-profit association. In addition to an association office, there is the presidium and advisory board as well as regional associations in the nine federal states and specialist networks. In these groups, experts in their respective fields work together on the further development and deepening of physiotherapeutic knowledge.

Association history

The Viennese doctor Josef Kowarschik had made the acquaintance of "Swedish therapeutic gymnastics" in Germany in 1901 and subsequently took over the management of the new institute for physical healing methods in the Lainz Hospital in Vienna in 1913 . In 1916 he began Austria’s first state-recognized physiotherapy training at the Lainz Hospital. From 1932 Johanna "Hansi" Betzwarz was heavily involved in the work of the school. In 1951 she initiated the establishment of the joint “Association of qualified medical-technical, diet and physical assistants in Austria”. Betzwarz also laid the foundation for an independent professional association of physiotherapists in Austria. She is the founder and 1st chairwoman of the "Association of qualified assistants for physical medicine in Austria", formed in 1961. In 1991 the name of the federal association was changed to "Association of qualified physiotherapists in Austria", in 1995 to "Federal association of qualified physiotherapists in Austria (öPv)" and in 2003 finally to "Physio Austria, federal association of physiotherapists in Austria". In 2011 Physio Austria celebrated the 50th anniversary of the federal association.

Strategic fields of action

The Presidium and Advisory Board have defined ten strategic fields of action as part of a results-oriented strategy process. These form the basis for the activities in the coming years. Aspects of the training and further education of physiotherapists as well as professional development are central. Physio Austria participates in relevant social, societal and health policy discussions and decision-making processes and works on sharpening the skills of physiotherapists in order to enable independent physiotherapeutic action. The long-term goal is u. a. the intervention of physiotherapists on patients without a doctor's order.


Physio Austria is a member of MTD-Austria, the umbrella organization for upscale medical-technical services , which was founded in 1984. Physio Austria has also been a member of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) and the European regional association ER-WCPT since 1967 . The WCPT has laid down the "Ethical Principles for Physiotherapists" in a declaration of principle, which Physio Austria is also based on.


  • Otto Havelka, Physio Austria (ed.): 50 years of Physio Austria. A strong professional representation . Elsevier Urban & Fischer, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-437-45002-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence
