Pierre Berthelot

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Pierre Berthelot in Berkeley , 1981

Pierre Berthelot (* 1943 ) is a French mathematician who deals with algebraic geometry and number theory.


Berthelot studied at the École normal supérieure (from 1962). He is a student of Alexandre Grothendieck , in whose seminar he participated in Paris in the 1960s. With Grothendieck and Luc Illusie , he published the seminar notes of the Séminaire de géométrie algébrique for 1966/67 (SGA 6) in 1971 . He is known for his development of crystalline cohomology in his dissertation at the University of Paris VII (1972), which appeared in 1974 in the Lecture Notes in Mathematics (vol. 407) ( Cohomologie cristalline des schémas de caractéristique ). He is a professor at the University of Rennes I .


  • Berthelot, Arthur Ogus: Notes on crystalline cohomology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo 1978, ISBN 0-691-08218-9 .

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