Pierre Fade (Ménardeix)

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Menhir and dolmen of Ménardeix

The dolmen Pierre Fade von Ménardeix (also Pierre Fade No. 2 - German called  "Feenstein von Ménardeix" ) is located in Ménardeix near Pionnat in the Creuse department in France . About 15.0 meters away from the dolmen is a " Menhir indicateur".

There are several dolmens of this name in France ( Dolmen de la Pierre-Fade (Saint-Étienne-des-Champs) , Dolmen Pierre de la Fade (Blessac) ). In France, dolmen is the generic term for megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).

The Ménardeix dolmen is near an old pond. The almost square capstone measures 2.6 × 2.35 m, is 0.4 m thick and weighs about 7 tons. It rests above a rectangular chamber on four supporting stones of different heights and widths.

15 meters to the northwest is a 3.5 m high menhir with a square cross-section, which lay on the ground for a long time, but was re-erected in 1913.

The other dolmens

Pierre Fade No. 1 , located in the area between the Chénérailles – Gueret road and the village, was destroyed in the late 19th century. 100 m south of the preserved dolmen was Pierre Fade No. 3 , the capstone of which was used as a millstone for a cider mill in 1859 . There were three, perhaps even four, dolmens, known as "Pierres des trois bonnes Dames" (Eng. "Stones of the Three Good Ladies").

Web links

Commons : Dolmen de Ménardeix  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 9 '28.4 "  N , 2 ° 3' 29.2"  E