Pigment paper

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Pigment paper is a special paper for the printing and photo technology of heliogravure . It is no longer available for sale in Germany.

The pigment paper is made by coating more stable paper (e.g. parchment paper) with gelatin and alcohol-resistant pigments . This is sensitized (made light-sensitive) with potassium dichromate , exposed and washed out. It was used in gravure printing - especially for heliogravure , but also in screen printing . The resulting gelatin relief is transferred to the metal plate or the sieve. After the paper is peeled off, the gelatin relief remains on the metal plate or sieve. For gravure printing, the metal plate is then deeply etched using a multi-stage etching process; for screen printing, the hardened gelatin relief partially closes the screen.


Detailed instructions can be found in:

  • Wolfgang Autenrieth: New and old techniques of etching and fine printing. From witch's meal and dragon's blood to the photopolymer layer. Tips, tricks, instructions and recipes from five centuries. An alchemical workshop book for erasers. 232 pages, 7th edition, Krauchenwies 2020, ISBN 978-3-9821765-0-5 ( → excerpts and table of contents online )
  • Jaroslav Husnik, August Albert: The entire field of collotype and enamel photography . (= Chemical-technical library ; vol. 22). 5th edition completely revised and supplemented by August Albert. A. Hartleben, Vienna and Leipzig 1922

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