Playtime (language course)

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Playtime - English for children is a German English - language course in the form of a 30-part television series, from the Bavarian Television was produced and is aimed at children aged five years, the playful English should learn. The cartoon characters / puppets Jack and Jill experience child-friendly stories, talk to the Englishwoman Helen Lanzer, do quizzes together and sing songs together .


  1. Hello
  2. Let's play
  3. At the fair
  4. The dreamhouse
  5. Jill's birthday
  6. A bike tour
  7. At the toy museum
  8. A train ride
  9. At grandpa's
  10. A boat ride
  11. Welcome back
  12. Jill has got a cold
  13. The Street Market
  14. Flying a kite
  15. Fun in the snow
  16. MacDonald's band
  17. The cake
  18. Jill's great day
  19. At the seaside
  20. The clown
  21. Aunt Emily
  22. At the cinema
  23. camping
  24. The Thief
  25. Whose dog is
  26. At the zoo
  27. Tom's party
  28. Decorating
  29. Something new
  30. A trip to the moon




  • Playtime - English for Children, episodes 1–30

Audio cassettes

  • Playtime, English for Children, episodes 1–30, 3 cassettes, ISBN 3805828985

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b ( Memento from April 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive )