Po (shield)

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Po (shield)
Chinese Tiger Shield.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: Po, Tiger Shield
Use: Protective weapon
Region of origin /
Distribution: China
Handle: Wood
Lists on the subject

The Po , also known as Tiger Shield , is a shield from China.


The bottom is made of rattan . The rattan is woven in a circle around a wooden frame . The front of the shield is colored and decorated with the image of a tiger's head (Panthera tigris). In some versions, a shield boss is placed on the middle of the shield, where the tiger's "nose" is. The Po was used by heavily armed Chinese infantry regiments who wore a uniform that was also modeled on a tiger skin .


Individual evidence

  1. PO in the Pitt Rivers Museum, available online, (accessed December 8, 2010)