Pochhammer Icon

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The Pochhammer symbol is a special function that is used in combinatorics and in the theory of hypergeometric functions . The name goes back to Leo August Pochhammer .


The Pochhammer symbol is defined using the gamma function :

From the functional equation of the gamma function it then follows


So you have an identity

with the increasing factorial .


Function graphs of the first four Pochhammer symbols
  • The Pochhammer symbol is a meromorphic function .
  • Is can be represented as a polynomial in . These have a common zero at .
  • Relationship between coefficients of different signs :
  • Division rule:
  • Special values:

q pounding hammer icon

The - Pochhammer symbol is the - analogue of the Pochhammer symbol and plays a role in combinatorics for - analogues of classic formulas, where, stimulated by the border crossing


das - analogue of natural numbers above

is defined.

The - Pochhammer symbol is defined by the formal power series in the variable :



They are also called - series and as abbreviated, e.g. B. .

It can also be expanded into an infinite product:

The special case

is Euler's product, which plays a role in the theory of partition function .

Individual evidence

  1. L. Pochhammer: About the differential equation of the more general hypergeometric series with two finite singular points . Journal for pure and applied mathematics, Volume 102, pp. 76-159, 1888; especially pp. 80-81. Pochhammer uses the term for the binomial coefficient, for the falling factorial and for the increasing factorial.
  2. Eric W. Weisstein: Pochhammer symbol. In: MathWorld . Retrieved February 9, 2019 .
  3. Eric W. Weisstein: q -Pochhammer symbol. In: MathWorld . Retrieved February 9, 2019 .
  4. Eric W. Weisstein: q -Analog. In: MathWorld . Retrieved February 9, 2019 .
  5. Euler's partition product. Also Euler function in English , but this term is ambiguous.