Politics of the Three Red Banners

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The policy of the Three Red Banners describes the direction of the policy of the Communist Party of China, which was issued in 1958 to achieve the so-called great leap forward .

The three banners were:

  1. Banner: The "general line of socialist construction" was supposed to promote the simultaneous development of industry and agriculture while using modern and conventional production methods.
  2. Banner: The "big leap forward" should enforce a concept of labor-intensive development policy.
  3. Banner: The establishment of people's communes should prepare for the comprehensive collectivization of life.

Mao Zedong wanted to turn the People's Republic of China into an industrial power despite reduced Soviet economic aid. The policy of the Three Red Banners was prepared at the top conferences in Hangchou, Nanjing and Chengdu in the spring of 1958 and announced at the 5th plenum of the VIII Central Committee in Beidaihe in August 1958 . On the basis of this policy, China should advance into the circle of the large industrial nations within a short time and largely on its own.