Disaffection with politicians
The neologism of disenchantment with politicians (or disaffection with politicians ) describes in general the (subjective) assessment of the population that they are governed and represented by the 'wrong' political elite and the resulting general disaffection with politicians from the " establishment ", i. H. towards the political class .
The term refers exclusively to the political ruling class, but in no way describes any aversion to the political system as a whole. On the contrary: people who are very annoyed with politicians sometimes show a strong social commitment or actively campaign for a heightened political awareness in their own environment, for example by founding a citizens' initiative or participating in one. Disenchantment with politicians must therefore not be equated with disenchantment with politics or even disaffection with democracy .
Disenchantment with politicians has been a trend that has been rising for years and is particularly pronounced among young people, and according to surveys ( Politbarometer ) it is currently around 70–75 percent.
Web links
- Article on disaffection with politicians among young people ( Memento from March 10, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
- Oskar Niedermayer : Citizens and Politics. 2nd Edition. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 2005, ISBN 3-531-14845-1 .
Individual evidence
- ↑ Johannes Heinrichs : Democracy Manifesto for the silent majority. The “Revolution of Democracy” in brief. Steno, Munich [u. a.] 2005, ISBN 954-449-201-1 online version (PDF; 1.01 MB)