Polo delle Libertà

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The Polo delle Libertà (PdL) (German: "Pole of Freedoms") was the center-right electoral alliance that was formed for the Italian parliamentary elections in 1994 in the regions of northern Italy. The alliance consisted of the following parties:

Meanwhile, in central and southern Italy, the Polo del Buon Governo ("Pole of Good Governance"), to which the Lega Nord, but the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale , belonged.

The background to this was the Mattarellum suffrage , introduced in 1993 , in which three quarters of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies were awarded by majority vote. In order to increase their chances, the parties of the Polo delle Libertà and Polo del Buon Governo each put up a joint candidate in most constituencies. For the seats allocated according to proportional representation, however, they ran with separate party lists. The center-right alliances won the election with a total of 366 of the 630 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. They elected Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister and formed the Berlusconi I cabinet , in which Alleanza Nazionale and Lega Nord each appointed a deputy prime minister.

The alliance broke up after a few months of joint government when the Lega Nord left in January 1995. For the early parliamentary elections in 1996 , Forza Italia, Alleanza Nazionale and CCD again formed an alliance (expanded to include the Cristiani Democratici Uniti ) under the leadership of Berlusconi and named Polo per le Libertà . The Lega Nord, however, competed separately. In 2001, the Lega Nord rejoined the center-right block and the Casa delle Libertà was created , which lasted until 2008.