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Polyphonte is a person of Greek mythology , daughter of Hipponoos with Thrassa . Out of contempt for the countless love affairs of Aphrodite, she went to the mountains and became Artemis' companion and confidante. Aphrodite, however, caused insanity and an irrepressible love for a bear in Polyphonte because of this abuse of her person. Polyphonte, maddened by divine providence, combined with the animal.

Artemis saw this, felt unrestrained hatred and angrily set all animals on Polyphonte. Fearing that the animals might kill her, she fled to her father's house and finally gave birth to the two giants Agrios and Oreios from the connection to the bear .

When her sons were later called to account for their crimes, she too fell victim to punishment and was transformed into an owl whose cry resounds at night, who lives without food or drink, with her head down, her claws up, people Herald of war and turmoil.
