Poreck law

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The Porezkische law ( English Poretzky's law ) is a sentence in the Boolean algebra , one of the branches of mathematics , which is named after the Russian mathematician Plato Sergejewitsch Porezki . The theorem gives a characteristic property of the zero element of a Boolean algebra.

Representation of the law

Porezki's law can be formulated as follows:

A Boolean algebra is given . Then the equivalence holds for all elements :
then and only if the equation
is satisfied.


Web links


  1. In English-speaking countries, both “Poretzky” and “Poretsky” can be found as transcriptions of Porezki's name from Russian into English; see. Article about Porezki in the English language Wikipedia !
  2. For is the complement of .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Joseph A. Gallian: Contemporary Abstract Algebra. 1986, p. 420