Porn alien

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The porn alomania or porn alomania describes as part of vulgar language the inclination and pleasure-oriented use of pornographic, "forbidden" words. It is used for individual, both personal and partner-related, stimulation and increase in pleasure, but can also take place against the will of the audience, for example in the form of obscene calls.

The porno alia is assigned to the lagnolalia as a collective name, which also includes other lalia such as the coprolalia with a fixation on terms related to excretory functions.

Concept formation

The term was introduced into sexology by Ernst Bornemann . He derived this from the concept of pornography mania introduced by Iwan Bloch , which describes the compulsive writing of anonymous letters with obscene content. Bornemann refers the term primarily to a caller who calls people he knows or does not know and asks obscene questions or utters obscene words. According to his description, this is a "perverse compulsive act" and the caller usually masturbates during the conversation.

Bornemann also describes the porn movie as a perversion when it becomes a substitute for normal coitus . In his opinion, it is curable if it is only an additional act and the person concerned is also capable of sexual intercourse .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d porn alie . In: Pschyrembel Dictionary Sexuality. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-11-016965-7 , p. 407.
  2. Lagnolalie . In: Pschyrembel Dictionary Sexuality. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-11-016965-7 , p. 297.
  3. Porn Liaison . In: Ernst Bornemann : Lexicon of love and sexuality. List Verlag, Munich 1969, p. 244.
  4. Pornography mania . In: Ernst Bornemann : Lexicon of love and sexuality. List Verlag, Munich 1969, p. 244.