Porta Metronia

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Porta Mentronia in Rome in the middle, surrounded by modern breakthroughs for road traffic.
The Porta Metronia from the opposite view.

The Porta Metronia or Porta Metrovia was a gate in the Aurelian Wall in Rome , which was built between 271 and 275 AD, and was located at the point where a street traditionally known as metropi via left its exit to Via Latina .

The gate in the southern section of the wall was just a simple arched opening with no towers or other fortifications. Other names that have come down to us are Metrobi , Metroni , Metrosi and similar forms. The gate corresponded with the porta Querquetulana of the Servian city wall .

The gate was probably closed at the construction of the Marrana Mariana , a canal built under Pope Calixtus II in 1122 to replace the aqua Iulia . Because only 2.50 meters lay between the inner arched surface of the gate and the uncovered water channel of the canal.
