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Osborne 1 computer
Compaq Portable 1983

The term portable refers to a computer for mobile use with a special housing shape that has an integrated display. Translated, portable means "portable". Later this form of computer was sometimes humorously called luggable , which means something like "towable". Especially in the early days, portables z. In some cases it was more about the ease of transport than about being independent of the mains, so that some of these devices did not have rechargeable batteries or batteries. Such systems were used at different locations (e.g. in the company as well as for presentations or at home).

The first portable, the Xerox NoteTaker , was developed by Xerox PARC in 1976 . However, he never got over the status of a prototype. The first portable that was suitable for series production was the IBM PC Portable . A more successful and truly IBM PC compatible model was the Compaq Portable. A model of this class was also developed by Apple, the Macintosh Portable , which, however, did not offer enough advantages over the non-portable Macintosh to establish itself. Toshiba released the T5200 as a portable computer in 1989 .

Today portables are not only used in industry and the military, but also in research and in forensic data acquisition. In contrast to notebooks , their strength lies in the fact that measurement cards or hard drives with several terabytes of storage capacity can be installed .

Individual evidence

  1. George Abramidis / Martin Dobes: hardware book. 1st edition 1993, te-wi Verlag, Chapter 2, p. 484.